Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking is an incredible way to learn how to cook. More visual and interactive than any cookbook and better than any food Youtube chanel, these culinary classes will transform the way you cook. From the acclaimed MasterClass website, these classes will change forever the way you look at food.
If you still do not know MasterClass, you have been missing out on one of the best food content the internet has to offer. If there is an online place where you can really learn how to cook, the MasterClass website is that place.
If you already follow us you know that we already review all the MasterClasses from Gordon Ramsay.
In his first online class, you will have access to 20 lessons that will change forever your cooking skills. In these lessons, you will learn lots of new things, from the best kitchen layout to knife skills. You'll also learn how to master 7 incredible dishes like Chicken Suprême with Root Vegetables, Lobster Ravioli, and the iconic Beef Wellington.
In our opinion, the most important thing in this class is the techniques and advice that Gordon teaches you. Of course, the recipes are incredible, but if you really pay attention to what Gordon is saying, and if you take your notes you will improve significantly your cooking skills.
Besides all this, you'll also have access to a class cookbook that is a perfect complement to the videos. With more than 30 pages this book will cover every lesson in this class. It will have all the recipes and some additional Gordon's notes.
If you want to know more about Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking I make sure your check our review.
This second MasterClass starts exactly where the first end. After teaching you the essential kitchen techniques, this time, Gordon will teach you how to use these techniques to produce quality restaurant food at home.
With 15 lessons, there will be plenty of new things to learn. Recipes such as Crispy Duck with Red Endive, and Spinach, Szechuan Roasted Whole Chicken or even the most amazing Pomme Purée, are just some of the recipes that you'll learn how to master in this class.
Like in the first class, this one comes with a class workbook with more than 90 pages, full of recipes, techniques tips, and secrets! For us, this class workbook is better than the first one. Although they are very similar, this one has more content and besides that it gives you recipe timelines, which will help you to perfectly master each recipe.
To discover more about Gordon Ramsay Teaches Cooking II make sure your check our review.
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